Are You a Crabby Sister?
The crab mentality or AKA – “crabs in a bucket,” is a way of thinking best described as the phrase “if I can’t have it, neither can you.” I have run across many black women throughout my career as I moved up the career latter that I would consider a crabby sister. Showing signs of envy, spite, conspiracy or competitive feelings to halt the progress of those that career appears to be doing better than theirs or equal to. In my experience, I have found that the best way to combat crabby sisters is to take away their power. Do not allow their feelings to stop you from progress. There may be times that you have to have what I classify as a “come to Jesus meeting” with the sistah – just to let her know that you are both on the same trying to accomplish goals of success. It may make an impact or may not but in any occasion – follow the infamous Michelle Obama advice, when they go low you go high. Although black women are becoming more educated we are still paid less than men and white women. Not only do we have to work harder, network more, acclimate to our work environments at a much faster rate to be noticed we also have to fight for pay equality. With that, the last thing we need is to be dealing with a crabby “sistah.” As black women, we should be helping one another at any given opportunity and banding together, because each time one of us succeeds all of us succeeds. My goal in developing CS is to create environments that will promote; pulling up, sponsoring, helping to foster, mentoring, coaching, inspiring, motivating and steering other women of color to develop their career.